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VE-Day 80 Fete
Join the Newlands Community Group in commemorating the 80th Anniversary of VE Day - Victory in Europe - during the Second World War.
We are hosting the event on the 11th May 2025, in partnership with Kite Packaging at their site in Proxima Park on Houghton Road (between the Berewood and Old Park Farm developments).
There will be traditional games, activities and refreshments available.
Entrance is free!

If you would like a stall or you could provide other services to assist with the event, please do fill out the form and email it to
Further information, including the cake competition, can be found here:
Newlands Primary Academy - Headteacher Announcement

You asked... We Actioned - Drop-In Surgery
Thursday, 13th March 2025 from 3.30pm to 6.30pm: Newlands Community Hall, Marrelsmoor Ave, Waterlooville, Hants PO7 3BX
• Questions answered about the Berewood development / private rental availability / tips on Shared Ownership / Sales... from Grainger’s Berewood team and Jeffries & Dibbens representative
• Laura North from Laura North Financial Planning is available to provide a financial health check including tips and financial education.
• Beth Allen from Langstone Financial Services Ltd is available to provide guidance on everything mortgages and protection.
• Latest details on Newlands Academy Primary—opening Sep ’25 University of Chichester Academy Trust
• Financial support with household budgeting; Citizens Advice (bookable slots available) Email:
Mayoral Visit to the Carer Café
Following on from our successful grant bid to Winchester City Council, Newlands Community Group invited the Mayor of Winchester to visit the group and see how the funds are being spent.
On Tuesday 18th February, The Right Worshipful the Mayor of Winchester, Councillor Russell Gordon-Smith visited us, at the carer’s café. along with The Mayoress Mrs Dinah Ashcroft. Also present was Cllr Neil Cutler (Southwick & Wickham) representing Winchester City Council and Cllr Anthony Berry (Newlands Parish Liaison).
It was a lovely visit with lots of opportunities to talk to both the Mayor and the Mayoress, along with the visiting councillors. The Mayor learnt a new game and both took a great interest in the estate and how everything is progressing. We spoke about the importance of community and how groups like the carer’s café supports the work of adult and children’s social services. All the visitors engaged with the public and volunteers, learning about their experiences and seeking their views.

The Mayor had previously looked at the website and seen the range of activities and work the group does, thanking us for this. The Mayoress spoke in depth about how the activities are helping to form a community.
We, in turn, were able to thank them for the support and interest shown. A thank you to everyone that came along to attend the event and share their experiences with our visitors, this group is about you and supporting your needs.
Mayor of Winchester’s Community Awards 2025
It is with great pleasure that the Mayor of Winchester, Cllr Russell Gordon-Smith, launches the annual Mayor of Winchester’s Community Awards.
The Mayor of Winchester’s Community Awards recognise and celebrate the organisations and individuals who have given outstanding service to the people of Winchester District.
The aim of these awards is to celebrate the selfless activity that brightens the lives of many residents, and makes the District a wonderful place to live.
The Mayor invites your nominations, and seeks to ensure that the Awards reflect the full range of community support from all corners of the Winchester District.
Who can be nominated?
As in previous years, the emphasis is firmly on voluntary action. However, there is also scope to pay tribute to those who routinely go above and beyond the call of duty in the course of their paid employment.
Nominees can be:
any age;
volunteering or working in any area of life, except causes that do not respect equalities legislation, or that promote extremism or otherwise conflict with established Council policies and duties.
Nominees must:
live in the Winchester District (or, in the case of organisations, deliver a substantial part of their services to residents of the District) and, in the case of children, attend school or youth groups within the District;
not have received a Mayor of Winchester’s Award in the previous two years.
How to nominate
Anyone can nominate an individual or an organisation, and self-nomination is permitted. The Mayor particularly seeks the assistance of Parish and Town Councils, City Councillors, schools and youth groups and others in public life who are well-placed to see such work at first hand and recognise the volunteers who do so much for our community.
There are two categories:
1 Individuals (any age);
2 Organisations.
Please note:
Citations should be limited to 100 words, which will be printed verbatim on the reverse of the certificate.
Successful nominees will be contacted by the Mayor’s Secretary and invited to attend an event to receive their award, which will be held on Thursday 13 March 2025. (If unable to attend, they will be sent their certificate by post.) Individuals / organisations making the nominations will also be invited.
All award-winners will receive a certificate of appreciation signed by the Mayor, together with a pin badge. Those attending the event will also receive a photograph with the Mayor (unless they have indicated that they do not wish their photograph to be taken).
Local media coverage is anticipated for the awards. Please therefore ensure that your nominee is content to be nominated before submitting the citation.
Photos of award-winners will be taken at the awards ceremony unless they indicate they do not wish this to happen. Consent forms will be sent to all award-winners, and these must be completed and returned.
Award-winners who are aged under 18 and who attend the awards ceremony must be accompanied by a parent/carer, who is required to complete and return consent forms.
The closing date for nominations is 16 February 2025.
Awards are made wholly at the discretion of the judging panel. The awards are discretionary and there is no right of appeal.
Complete the online form at
Mayor of Winchester’s Community Award 2025 – Winchester City Council - Citizen Space
or send your completed nomination form (blank form attached) to
Further information
If you wish to discuss your nomination or any aspect of the Mayor of Winchester’s Community Awards please contact the Mayor’s Secretary, Jane Ashford, at